Thursday, July 12, 2007


This one is in memory of my grandmother, who was fondly called biji..
She found her new home on 5th jan,2007...

Sifting through the ashes for her last remains
My mind wanders back in time
Glimpses of the past flash across
The hearty laugh, that toothy smile
Now confined to the limits of a frame
Sits in a corner who once knew no bounds
My hands that held her till yesterday
Can only clutch at old photographs
Its funny how life plays around
She used to ask me to sit and talk
And i never had anything to narrate
Places switched as she lay ill,I was begging her to talk
I could go on about anything,if only she would respond
Jus once i want to hear her still
But she has wandered out of my reach
Probably she's talking,should stop and listen hard
Maybe she's singing my favourite song
Each time i cross her room cant help peeping in
My heart stops for a second,waiting for the familiar call
How she loved me and how i loved you granny
Shit shit shit!,I cant believe she's gone
The ashes have been gathered,her remains have been pouched
Where yesterday lay my granny,now lies dead dry ground
The truth is still sinking,the knife twists each time
Have to live without her,just have to bear the pain.

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